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Peer Groups

A peer group is a powerful force for improvement, change and success. Peer groups provide a forum for feedback, help with decision-making and handling challenges, tactical support and accountability. We have seen the value and power of peer groups over and over again.

Active Peer Groups


For: Middle Managers (production manager, account manager, client care, general manager), responsible for overseeing staff, interacting with clients and reporting to senior management (owners)

Format: Monthly meetings; hybrid of virtual and in-person

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Quarterly, in-person sessions where business owners strategize, gain clarity, and learn from others in the industry. Participate in strategic discussions to help you plan, prioritize, and achieve your big goals. And have fun doing it!

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If you want to grow your business, join a peer group.

If you want to learn best practices for your industry, join a peer group.

If you want to interact with others who understand your role, join a peer group.

If you’re looking for a place to be challenged and encouraged, join a peer group.

If you want to learn from others and share your knowledge, join a peer group.



If you want to know more about peer groups and the many benefits they offer, give us a call. We have experienced the financial, relational and professional advantages that peer groups offer and want you to experience them as well. 


Become part of a 6-10 person peer group, made up of people who understand your role. Offer your expertise to those who are struggling and gain advice and best practices to implement in your own business. 



Benefit from the experience and advice of those who have been where you are, and be the benefit for those who are not as experienced as you. Build great relationships with others in the industry who understand the industry and your role in it. 

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
This is the essence of peer groups. Every person has something to offer and something to learn. Peer groups are a great tool for both.
Being part of a peer group provides the opportunity to learn from others within the same industry. There’s a pretty good chance that whatever challenge you’re facing has been faced by someone else in the group. Wouldn’t it be great to learn from them? Avoid the mistakes they made? Hear their insights about the issue?
And how great would it be to do the same for someone else. Perhaps you’ll be the voice of wisdom and experience to someone who’s a few years behind you. It’s all about sharing, collaborating and learning together.

"I leave each meeting energized by the excitement and energy the group brings to each attendee. I appreciate how each member is willing to share their struggles in order to grow, improve and learn from each other."

Mark Aquilino
President, Outdoor Pride Landscape & Snow Management

"As a small company, I love to hear from larger companies who are further down the road than I am. I enjoy learning from their successes and failures and appreciate their sincere desire to help me grow my company. "

Seth Bowen
Owner, Three Men & A Shovel

"The peer group has helped me with changing the culture in my organization, with being able to talk to fellow contractors and “pick their brains” on a number of topics, as well as providing advice on taking on larger accounts, as members of my group have experience with servicing large contracts. "

Mark Arthofer
President, Skyline Construction

"I've experienced assistance with increasing sales to commercial snow clients, implementing technology in the company and looking at different types of equipment for my operation. I really appreciate the information that gets shared, especially the successes and failures of others who have been where I am. "

Billy Minor
President, IBG Magic of Kentuckiana

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